Friday, April 26, 2013


OBJECTIVES OF THE GLOBAL VILLAGE . . . . Reaching out & people empowerment      
  1.  To establish an informal education system focused on fairness.
  2. To reach out students from poor families and encourage  students from middle class and above  to obtain a quality education that create opportunities for them to enter quality  schools / colleges and  build the attitude and international capabilities in order to get better  jobs .
  3. To provide guidance and sonsultation on education and career management
  4. To develop entrepreneurship through creative business concepts
  1. Focused on highly motivated students - HMI (Highly Motivated Individual)
    •   Selecting elementary school children (Class 4.5 & 6), junior high and high school based on the will or MOTIVATION.
    •  We select those who truly want to succeed in life, high-spirited, do not know the word "surrender" and has a strong karakater or what is called Highly Motivated Individual (HMI)
    • MOTIVATION TRAINING & ASSISTANCEThe process is very important to stimulate students' enthusiasm in learning, education and widening their perspective in building up a better future.
  2.  The Global Village   focuses on the following skills:
    •  English ability to communicate internationally
    • Bimbel on-line (website) in order to go to quality schools and colleges
    • TOEFL on-line (website) in order to obtain a scholarship
    • Professional consultation on education and career management
    • Consultation on business to the villagers including marketing of products through e-commerce
TUJUAN GLOBAL VILLAGE . . . . . Menjangkau dan memberdayakan umat
  1. Membangun sistem pendidikan informal terfokus yang berkeadilan.
  2. Menjangkau para siswa dari keluarga kurang mampu  dan mendorong siswa dari keluarga lebih mampu  untuk memperoleh pendidikan berkualitas yang memberi peluang bagi mereka untuk masuk ke sekolah/perguruan tinggi bermutu dan memilki sikap serta kemampuan internasional agar  memperoleh pekerjaan dengan penghasilan dan prospek internasional pula.
  3. Memberikan bimbingan pendidikan dan pengembangan karis bagi siswa
  4. Mengembangkan kewiraswastaan melalui konsep bisnis yang kreatif
  1. Global Village fokus pada siswa bermotivasi tinggi - HMI (Highly Motivated Individual)
q   Menyeleksi anak-anak SD (Kelas 4,5 & 6), SMP dan SMA berdasarkan kemauan atau MOTIVASI.
q  Menyeleksi siswa yang betul-betul ingin berhasil dalam kehidupan, bersemangat tinggi, tak mengenal kata ” menyerah” dan memiliki karakater  yang kuat atau apa yang disebut Highly Motivated Individuals (HMI)
q  Proses yang sangat penting untuk memacu semangat belajar, pendidikan dan wawasan untuk membangun kehidupan yang lebih baik

  1. Global Village menndampingi  daerah-daerah yang berminat  sebagai Desa Global dengan membangun kemampuan anak nagari sebagai berikut:
q  Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris agar bisa berkomunikasi secara internasional
q  Pelatihan Bimbel secara on-line (website) agar masuk ke sekolah bermutu
q  Pelatihan TOEFL secara on-line (website) agar memperoleh beasiswa
q  Konsultasi tentang  pendidikan dan manajemen karir
q  Bimbingan bisnis termasuk memasarkan produk melalui e-commerce

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Global Village


To build up learners' self-confidence, they practice  their English in big groups. Building up self-confidence is our job #1 and we do not teach Reading, Grammar and no multiple choice test. Our poster states: "Once a person gains self-confidence, learning is learning no more, it is sheer enjoyment"

Learners in an "open  school" at the Global Village. Every one is busy practicing their English with respective soul mate or group. Soul mate learning is the core of our learning system.
Princess Yennita is having a conversation practice in a small group. Our brothers, that is how we call our students, are chatting..... no pencil and paper exercises, no white board . . . they simply talk to their friends. They begin with simple dialogues, talking about things around them. No one talks about snow in Scotland, Mrs. Smith cooked asparagus soup or Eskimo in Winter time. They talk about familiar things. 

Princess Sennorica with Students of 1st, 2nd & 3rd grades of Elementary school . Look how these young learners respond to our Princess only in the first week of the class. After a few weeks, every body raises their hands when asked by our princess. We focus aslo on building our brothers and sisters' self-confidence
DR.Romeo Rissal is giving Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) in early  morning at the foot of the Marapi mountain. We believe that learners' motivation is the most important aspect of learning.  Conventional English teaching in Indonesia failed because teachers teach English and no one manages learners' motivation.

 Using the English Power System, we make sure that our students do speak English within 9 months. Our philosophy: "We are not teaching, we are managing a learning process"